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Canyoning is a dangerous adventure sport. These risks can include serious injury or death. Anyone undertaking this sport does so at thier own risk and carries all responsibilities.

The information provided on this website about canyoning or sawanobori can not identify every possible risk in every possible situation. The information may be only our personal opinion. The information we have provided is in good faith but it can not possibly be complete. The gear we review is covered by detailed technical specifications and instructions provided by the manufacturer, available on the manufacturers website and in the original package instructions, not on this website.

You may learn for yourself but seek the personal instruction of experienced people as you may need it. The skills required to descend a canyon safely are unique to canyoning. It is highly recommended if you have never done canyoning before, is to get proper instruction from one of the canyoning associations in your area.

Canyoning associations with certified instructors give high quality instruction and proper technique for canyoning. Never do canyoning alone. You are hereby warned again, that canyoning and sawanobori have dangers that are hidden to the un-informed. When you participate in these activities you assume full responsibility for your own safety.

Access to canyons, rivers and waterfalls can be a sensitive area as there maybe some access issues, local religious rights or other issues associated with certain places. While we aim to provide up to date and accurate information about access, topography, track notes, it remains the responsibility of the user to ensure the correct authority is sought and the rules and / or regulations are obeyed.

The information presented on this website can be out of date at any time.

Canyon Magazine has taken all reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this website or in the magazine as well as the expertise of its writers. Any person attempting any of the activities described on the website or in the magazine does so at their own risk. All descriptive and visual directions are a general guide only and not to be used as a sole source of information. If information is incorrect, please contact us so we can correct it.

Canyon Magazine, its staff, writers or contributors are not responsible or can be held liable for any loss, injury, damage or death resulting from any of the information that is provided on this website.

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