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First Descent, Unnamed Creek

The first descent of an unnamed creek in Tokyo.

Canyon Magazine
Japan Exploration
April 2020

After 5 weeks of being cooped up inside a tiny apartment staring at the same four walls 24 hours a day, during the Corona Virus pandemic, it was time to get out. The first descent of an unnamed creek.

Over the many years driving to one of the commercial canyoning spots in Tokyo, we have always seen a double waterfall on the side of the road and often though about descending it just for fun. I have searched everywhere for more information about it from the Japanese river climbers, with nothing being written as far as I can tell.

Expecting it to be just the double waterfalls, it turned into a beautiful little section of 6 falls nicely placed one after each other of 5m / 10m / 15m / 5m / 20m / 15m over a short 70 meter run. We were surprised in how good it actually was. Perfect for after heavy rain as it’s usually a very low flow creek. The only issue is the access, which was a steep 150m scramble / slide down through the cedar forest and then another 50m of scree in the creek.


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