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Betalogue 2016.06

We are happy to announce the renewal of Canyon Magazine!

Canyon Magazine
June 2016

When we started Canyon Magazine back in May 2013, it was specifically tailored to promote the Japanese canyoning market. One year later at RIC Balearik, we discovered our small independent magazine was being read by a much larger audience than expected. We published 3 magazines as online PDF’s and some limited printed versions. After a break where work & time was limiting us writing for the magazine, it fell to the side lines.

After some time away, people were still talking about our Japanese canyoning magazine, which was a pleasant surprise after not being updated for quite a while. During RIC I spectacularly broke my ankle while canyoning, which forced me to be bed ridden for a good couple of months, and during this time we made a plan and decided to relaunch the Canyon Magazine in 2016. This time no longer focusing only on Japan, but canyoners globally.

We are now happy to announce the renewal of Canyon Magazine!

New Articles & Stories
The renewed Canyon Magazine is about bringing canyoning stories of Exploration, Interviews, Photo Journals, Reviews and Trip Reports from all around the world. For our relaunch we also proud to have Joe Bugden’s and Greg Tilden’s adventure in opening The General in New Zealand as our newest online article.

News & Events
NewsEvents section will be constantly updated with all the latest information.

Technical Reference Manual
The Technical Reference Manual is still a work in progress & new sections will be updated soon. Some of you may have seen the hydrology images I created while recovering from a broken ankle. This was the catalyst to making an entirely new Technical Reference Manual for canyoners worldwide.

The Database section will be linked to the Explore section and this won’t compete with the excellent RopeWiki but is a companion linking the stories to the beta information.

New Members
We are also extremely happy to have onboard David Domingo, one of the members of NKO Extreme, as the Director of Europe & Spanish Language for Canyon Magazine. The NKO Extreme website has always been an inspiration for all of us.

More Changes
Now that Canyon Magazine is no longer Japanese centric, we have changed the URL from to This brings us inline with Canyon Magazine being a network of stories from around the world.

Write for Us
With the renewal of Canyon Magazine, we invite everyone to share their Exploration, Interviews, Photo Journals, Reviews and Trip Reports. Have a look at our Write for Us and Submit Article pages for more information.

There’s still plenty more to do, more articles to write, translations and canyoning trips. We hope you like our renewed layout & stories. Finally we would like to thank everyone for their support over the years. Without you, this would not have been possible.

Phillip, David & Amaru

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